Care England Workforce Development Group (WDG)

Care England’s Workforce Development Group is a forum for all things workforce-related and is typically attended by individuals working in HR roles across our membership base.

Meetings take place from 1-2pm on the third Thursday of every month, chaired by Ioan Bishop (Policy and Parliamentary Lead). Meetings are focused on to the most pertinent topics relating to the adult social care workforce and are a great opportunity for members to hear the latest updates from across the sector, share and learn from the expertise of others and present concerns to the Care England team to take away and action.

Below you will find all resources relating to the WD Group, including meeting notes, supporting materials, webinar recordings, information packs, and much more.

To go back to the other special interest groups, please click here.

To access relevant workforce resources and guidance please click here.

To view Care England’s Workforce Priorities, please click here.

Ioan Care England

Interested in joining the WD Group? Contact Ioan Bishop, group administrator


Workforce Development Group - Meetings (2024)

18 January 2024 (1-2pm) : Skills for Care Workforce Strategy

In October 2023, following longstanding calls from sector bodies for the government to deliver a long-term workforce plan for adult social care, Skills for Care announced that it would produce a 15-year workforce strategy in collaboration with the adult social care sector.

In January’s WD Group meeting, we were joined by Jane Brightman, Director of Workforce Strategy at Skills for Care, to discuss the production of Skills for Care’s much anticipated workforce strategy. Jane provided an overview of Skills for Care’s work, before a discussion centred around three main questions:

  • If you had one absolute ‘red line’ recommendation to be included in the workforce strategy, what would it be?
  • What barriers or blockages can you see for the successful development or implementation of a workforce strategy, and what could Skills for Care do to overcome it?
  • What has Skills for Care missed in their thinking so far?

The meeting was an opportunity for members to learn more about the upcoming workforce strategy and raise any questions, queries or concerns.


Meeting Notes



15 February 2024 (1-2pm): International Recruitment

Since care worker roles were added to the Shortage Occupation List in February 2022, overseas workers have played an increasingly important role in the delivery of care services in England. In December 2023, the Home Office announced sweeping changes to the legal migration system that would make it harder for individuals to be recruited into adult social care from overseas.

The February Workforce Development Group meeting focused around these changes to international recruitment rules, and we were joined by colleagues from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Anthony Collins to go through these changes and what they will mean for providers.

Discussion will be centred around the following questions:

  • Is there anything not immediately clear from Government announcements?
  • What challenges do the rule changes present to your organisation?
  • What steps is your organisation taking to manage these challenges?
  • What can Care England (and Anthony Collins) do to support your organisation with international recruitment, or raise awareness of the challenges they pose to the sector?


Meeting Notes



21 March 2024 (1-2pm): Young people in the adult social care workforce

The March WD Group meeting centred on young people in the adult social care workforce. We were joined by Simon Bottery, Senior Fellow, Social Care at the King’s Fund, who will be sharing insights from an upcoming piece of research. Simon’s research explores both the experience of care providers and that of young people in the adult social care workforce, looking at what the sector can do to better support more young people into care roles.

Following Simon’s presentation, discussion revolved around the following questions:

  • What lessons can we learn from the King’s Fund research?
  • Is there anything members have found works well in recruiting young people?
  • Is there anything members have found works well in supporting young people in their workforce?
  • What would you like to see happen to support more young people into care roles?
  • What action can Care England take to raise awareness of these issues?


Meeting Notes



18 April 2024 (1-2pm): Low Pay Commission (LPC) and the National Minimum Wage (NMW)

At the April 2024 WDG we were joined by colleagues from the LPC, an independent public body that advises the Government on the rates of the National Minimum Wage (NMW), including the National Living Wage (NLW).

The meeting focused on the impact of the April 2024 NMW rise and was aimed at informing the 2025 rate and beyond.

Following a presentation by the LPC, discussion centred on the following points:

  • Have fee uplifts been sufficient to cover the April 2024 uplift?
  • Have you experienced delayed uplifts? What impact has this had on your bottom line?
  • Impact and organisational response
  • The projected rate for 2025 is a smaller increase than the previous two years – is this welcome, as its less of a financial burden?
  • Or, are there inadvertent consequences, for example in terms of recruitment and retention?
  • International recruits – compliance and enforcement of the NLW


Meeting Notes



16 May 2024 (1-2pm) : Culture and change in the workforce

At the May WDG Meeting we were joined by Quentin Millington of Marble Brook to talk about culture and change in the sector, and how to secure buy-in for new ways of working.

Following a presentation by Quentin, structured discussion revolved around the following questions:

  • What workforce development initiatives have you seen or been involved in?
  • What values do your initiatives aim to encourage within your teams?
  • What tactics have worked well in workforce initiatives you have seen?
  • We want to bring out the best in everyone. What does good leadership look like?
  • Given today’s discussion, what might you do differently in the future?
  • What can Care England do to promote values-based culture across social care?

If any members would like to get in touch with Quentin you can do so via



Meeting Notes



20 June 2024 (1-2pm) : General Election 2024: What’s in store for the adult social care workforce?

The 2024 general election is set to take place on 4 July. The major political parties have put forward competing visions for the country, including for the adult social care sector. In our June WDG meeting we were joined by Hannah Bollard from Anthony Collins Solicitors for in-depth look at Labour’s proposals for the adult social care workforce and what these might mean for care providers.

In particular, we looked at Labour’s proposals on:

  • Ban on zero-hour contracts
  • Day one rights (unfair dismissal, etc.)
  • Single status of employees
  • Pay, collective bargaining

The meeting was an opportunity for members to get an early glimpse into what the future could hold for the adult social care workforce and identify priority areas for Care England’s influencing efforts.

A summary of the key reflections/questions relating to the proposals discussed can be found here.



Meeting Notes


18 July 2024 (1-2pm)

15 August 2024 (1-2pm)

19 September 2024 (1-2pm)

17 October 2024 (1-2pm)

21 November 2024 (1-2pm)

19 December 2024 (1-2pm)

To request materials from prior to 2023, please email

For upcoming Care England Supporter Member Webinars, please see our events page.