Home / Resources & Guidance / Care and Support Alliance: Show us you Care Campaign
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Decades of underfunding and inaction have left social care in a dire state, with at least 2.6 million people unable to access the care they need. The Care and Support Alliance (CSA), which includes over 50 member organisations including Care England, is calling on party leaders to make social care a top priority in the next parliament in the Show us you Care Campaign.


When social care is properly funded and well-implemented, it transforms lives. It empowers individuals to live as they choose—socialising, working, volunteering, and maintaining independence. It also supports unpaid carers, helping them balance caregiving with other aspects of their lives.


Everyone deserves access to the care they need to lead happy and fulfilling lives. Strong leadership and decisive action from the next government are essential to ensure that millions of older people, disabled individuals, and their carers receive the support they need.


You can play a role in making this change happen. The CSA has created a simple email template that allows you to contact your local MP and urge them to take action on social care. It takes just 30 seconds to send.



Click here to send your letter