Care England, the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care in England, is proudly celebrating Care Home Open Week 2023.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“Care Home Open Week represents an opportunity for care services to champion their work by opening their doors to local communities across England and demonstrate the fantastic work they do. This week is an opportunity to enable local communities to understand the important role social care plays in supporting residents and families. The sector is brimming with innovation, energy and commitment. Now is our chance to celebrate everything that makes our sector so special and show the public what we have to offer.”
Care Home Open Week will run from 26 June – 2 July 2023, hosted by Championing Social Care.
Care providers across the country will be opening their doors for people in the community to find out more about their services and social care as a whole.
You can get involved by visiting Championing Social Care website.
Martin Green continues:
“Care England will be working to proudly shine a light on the individuals and organisations that make up England’s world-class care sector. We hope this will be an opportunity to introduce new people to the sector and open the eyes of many to help build long-lasting relationships between local care providers and their communities.”
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