Home / Resources & Guidance / Care England Comments: £1 billion spent on energy

Care England has today, 22 December 2023, reacted to the news that councils across England spent over £1 billion on energy last year.

Box Power CIC, a not-for-profit energy consultancy, and a partner of Care England, has compiled a performance table of how much councils paid for their energy across 2022/23.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, said:

“This report puts the Government on notice. It is shocking to see the impact of energy costs on the public purse and the current lack of value for taxpayer money which could have been utilised on stabilising vulnerable sectors, such as adult social care. This is why Care England has led the charge on behalf of the care sector to negotiate the lowest possible energy contracts which has so far proven to achieve the lowest total cost of energy for the sector.”

The Box Power CIC report can be found here.

Care England’s energy tender can be found here.