Home / Resources & Guidance / Care England Comments: Accelerating Reform Fund

Care England, the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care, has today welcomed the Government’s announcement of £42.6m through the Accelerating Reform Fund for adult social care.


The aim of the fund is to address barriers to adopting innovative practices and build capacity and capability in adult social care. The fund looks to support unpaid carers, new digital tools for recruitment and retention, and increased social prescribing.


Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive Officer of Care England says:

“We hope this injection of funding will help provide some much-needed stability to the sector, and encourage systematic innovative thinking which will directly support the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care. It is now incumbent on the government to ensure the funds reach the frontline and do not get caught in the webs of bureaucracy.”


“Innovation plays a crucial role in the social care sector, better enabling us to weather the storm of an ageing population, workforce challenges and ongoing inflationary pressures. This fund, if utilised to the best of its ability, can help foster an environment of transformation, and ensure the care sector remains fit for the future.”