Home / Resources & Guidance / Care England Comments: International Day Of Care And Support

Care England, the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care, welcomes the United Nation’s International Day of Care and Support, to be held on 29 October 2023. The day raises awareness of the need to invest in the care economy, to recognise the workforce and to create a robust and resilient sector.


Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive Officer of Care England says:


“Care workers play an invaluable role to those they support, their families and friends, and the wider economy. The International Day of Care and Support brings visibility to this. But we know that it’s not just recognition the sector needs – it’s action. To sufficiently recognise the contribution the social care sector plays to the economy, Care England has called for a fully-funded long-term workforce plan, bringing parity of esteem across health and care, and professionalising the sector. Care England has also welcomed the Skills for Care commitment to develop a new comprehensive workforce strategy for adult social care. This is not only required to address the current issues, including the 152,000 vacancies, but to future-proof the sector.”