Home / Resources & Guidance / Care England Conference & Exhibition Thursday 16 March 2023
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’Thriving not Just Surviving’ has been chosen as the theme of the next Care England Conference & Exhibition at Church House Conference Centre in Westminster on Thursday 16 March 2023. Planning is now well underway, and invitations have been issued to a select range of influential, high-level sector speakers. Further details will be announced shortly.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:

“The Covid-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented challenge. It highlighted and exacerbated the deep-rooted and systematic problems in our health and social care system. As we emerge from the pandemic, and with the Government’s plan for adult social care reform in England gaining momentum, it is now a timely opportunity to evaluate how we consider the sector thrives not just survives in the immediate and longer-term future. The speakers at our conference will focus therefore on the funding, workforce and integration agendas. 

We are working hard to ensure the day’s programme reflects this theme, including an exhibition and seminars from leading product and service suppliers. We will announce more details over the coming months. We hope to see you there!”

Book early and save money! 

For bookings before 31 December 2022, the costs are as follows:
Care England Member: £125.00
Non-member care homes/Charities: £150
Non-Member: £250

Care providers who are not Care England members are also welcome to attend. For information on discounts for multiple bookings, please contact Daren Thomas (dthomas@careengland.org.uk).

Up-to-date information and booking details for the conference is available on the Care England website.


Notes to editors:

1)        Care England is the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care

2)        For Care England press enquiries related to this release, please contact Antonella Corby (020) 7492 4845 or email ACorby@careengland.org.uk

3)        @CareEngland @CareEngDigital