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care friends

The employee referral, reward and recognition app for social care

 “Care Friends is an innovative and accessible resource that is a game-changer for the care sector” 

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive, Care England

Care England are working closely with Care Friends, the social care sector solution for securing hospital discharges in Local Authority areas. 

The Care Friends app is unique in that it builds long term recurring recruitment infrastructure which keeps delivering high quality long-staying care workers long after the funding has been spent. No other interventions currently available that will do that.

The app grows workforce capacity by attracting those who are new to care +20% more effectively than other recruitment methods in the sector.

Over 42,000 care workers in England using the app, sharing jobs with their connections over 900,000 times, generating 73,000 candidates.

What Local Authorities say about Care Friends

 “We have tried various recruitment initiatives and Care Friends remains the most successful”

 Penny Lawlor, Social Care Workforce Manager, Innovation Delivery Team, Kent County Council

Watch the video for a quick overview of how the Care Friends app works by clicking the image below

Care Friends vido

To find out more, join Neil Eastwood, Founder and CEO of Care Friends on the Webinar: Care Friends, the solution for securing hospital discharges for Local Authorities and Integrated Care Systems:

Date: Weds 14th Dec 9.30am

Reserve your place here

Click here to view the website, or:

email them at: info@carefriends.co.uk

Or call on: 0203 827 9474