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Support a care worker for £500 during this cost-of-living crisis

The Care Workers’ Charity is calling upon UK businesses working in the adult social care sector to collectively raise £5 million for care workers affected by the cost-of-living crisis by donating £500 – equivalent to supporting one care worker through our crisis grants programme.

We are launching this emergency cost-of-living campaign to ensure that we can meet the rising demand from care workers for our crisis grants. Since 2020 we have given out 5933 grants to care workers averaging £500 each and demand was already up by 50% in the first quarter of this year.

We are asking all businesses who work in the adult social care sector to show that they care about the workforce and support one worker for £500 during this cost-of-living crisis. People are our greatest asset in care, and we know from our case studies that people are more likely to stay in the sector when they receive a grant from us.

£500 can make a huge difference to a care worker in crisis

Click here for more details 

Our grants provide support to care workers when they need it most, preventing them from falling into debt and supporting retention in the sector.

By making a one-off donation of £500 to The Care Workers’ Charity, businesses in social care can show that they really care about supporting the people who make up their essential workforce. Without them, it would be impossible to provide the services which enable people who receive support to live fulfilling and independent lives.


*Disclaimer: The money raised in this campaign will act as unrestricted funding so that The Care Workers’ Charity can continue to directly support care workers with grants and contribute towards overall operating costs*.

(*This includes administration of funds, campaigning and fundraising, and representing the interests of care workers at a national level.)