Home / Resources & Guidance / How to Negotiate on Care Home Fees and Achieve the Best Deal – Care England Webinar supported by Kreab London – Materials

On Wednesday 22 February, Care England – in support with Kreab London – held an online workshop to help members stay informed and endeavour to help negotiate your care home fees to get the best rates for your service and those who draw on care or support. This Webinar offered members the opportunity to:

  • Hone your negotiating skills
  • Get information on the issues affecting commissioner decision making

Please find the recording of this Webinar below.


In the second half of this online Workshop, there was a demonstration of Care England’s Market Intelligence system, MINT, and how the data stored on this platform can keep providers informed on fee rates.

You can watch the recording of this demonstration below.


The contact details for the presenters of this online workshop are as follows:


Richard Ayres






Richard Ayres: RAyres@careengland.org.uk

Social Care Advisor, Care England


Sara Livedeas

Sara Livadeas: slivadeas@kreab.com

Senior Adviser, Kreab