Home / Resources & Guidance / Carterwood reveal latest Collab trading performance data

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Carterwood’s latest platform, Collab, is powered by accurate trading data, from real sector operators, and provides instant access to actual, up-to-date occupancy, funding-mix, staffing costs and average weekly fee data for the markets that matter to you.

Following their latest Collab data collection, Carterwood share the key findings in their new trading performance pulse.

Key findings from 2022 Collab data 

  • Agency costs soared by 22% in 2022, with the average cost per bed per month rising from £303 (Q4 2021) to £369 (Q4 2022), peaking at over £400 in Q3 2022.
  • Occupancy figures recovering to near pre-pandemic levels, with average occupancy sitting at 85.4% for Q4 2022 (just short of pre-pandemic occupancy of 87.3%), a 3.6% increase from Q4 2021.
  • Average weekly fees rose by 8.8% (from all funding sources), from £940 in Q4 2021 to £1,023 in Q4 2022, an increase of over £80 per week.
  • Self-funders continue to account for an increasing share of overall funding mix, showing a gradual but steady rise from 38% in Q4 2021 to 41% in Q4 2022.

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