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Halton Borough Council Fees

2022/23 FOI Request re Min Max Fees paid for 2022/23  and April 2022 Average FOI Response – May 23 Letter sent by council to all providers in respect to 2022/23 fee uplift,…

Halton Borough Council

Letter in respect of Fee Approach for 2022-23, covering the: Fair Price for care – to explain why fees are below the LB benchmark for care costs and, why Nursing costs…

Gloucestershire County Council

FOI Request re Min Max Fees paid for 2022/23  and April 2022 Average FOI Response – May 23 Letter in respect of Fee Approach for 2022-23, covering the: Fair Price for care –…

Gloucestershire County Council Fees

2021/22 FOI Request  Sent re 2021/22 Fees – Sept 2021 FOI Response to 2021/22 Fees – Dec 2021 Uplift Letter – Mar 2021 2020/21 RESIDENTIAL AND NURSING FEES 2020/21 – letter Gloucestershire Rate Card 2020/21 

Gateshead Council Fees

2021/22 FOI Request re 2020/21 and 2021/22 fees- Sept 2021 FOI Response – Oct 2021 Provider Letters: June 2021 (Residential) & August 2021 (Dual Registered) 2020/21 – –  

Essex County Council Fees

2022/23 LINK TO PUBLISHED RATES AND CRITERIA 2022/23 Letter in respect of Fee Approach for 2022-23, covering the: Fair Price for care – to explain why fees are below the LB benchmark…

East Sussex County Council Fees

22/23 Letter in respect of Fee Approach for 2022-23, covering the: Fair Price for care – to explain why fees are below the LB benchmark for care costs and, why Nursing costs…

Earling Fees

2021/22 – Ealing Council Inflation Statement 2021-22 – letter  Care Home Inflation Pro-forma 2021-22   –      Fee Uplift Schedule  2020/21 –      Fee Uplift Schedule  –  

Hackney Council

Letter sent to all DASSs on 2021/22 fees –  04 February 2021 Letter   No response received yet Follow up letter sent to all DASSs – 19 March 2021 Letter  Response received to follow up letter …