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Social Care Nursing Advisory Councils (SCNACs)

“Social care nursing is an important part of the health and care system. The reforming of the Social Care Nurse Advisory Councils (SCNAC’s) into 7 regional councils will ensure a…

Young Onset Dementia (YOD)

Care England is delighted to have partnered with Dementia Forward and Wellburn Carehomes to champion the issues faced surrounding the issue with Young Onset Dementia (YOD). The three organisations published Young Onset Dementia: Current…

Care England discounts and free support

Care England discount and free support offers are designed to solve problems, deal with challenges, and reduce costs for care providers, which have saved millions of pounds for both members…

MPLC Licensing Arrangements May 2024

Care England Commissioned Anthony Collins Solicitors to provide guidance to care providers on the MPLC Licensing Arrangements. This information is accurate as at May 2024. Historically, we have advised that…