Home / Resources & Guidance / Daily Press & Parliamentary Wrap-Up Subscriptions

Care England sends out a Daily Press (click here for sample) with a round up of all the media coverage and other topical information regarding the adult social care sector and the NHS as part of the services our members receive.

In addition, when Parliament is sitting, Care England provides Parliamentary Wrap-Up (click here for sample) whereby members can be kept up to speed with the latest information from Westminster and Whitehall. This includes information and analysis on relevant Select Committees, Legislation, Debates, the Care Home Parliamentary Network and Parliamentary Questions.

If you are not a Care England member and would like to subscribe to our daily press alert and/or parliamentary wrap up news, please complete the form here.

Pricing are as follows

for Daily Press Alert £300.00 per annum

for Parliamentary Wrap up £300 per annum

for both £500 per annum