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Exploring the diversity within the social care workforce


25th April 2024    
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Event Type

Recruitment partner, Cohesion will be re-running the workshop held at the Care England conference online on Thursday 25th April at 10 am – ‘Who are we? Exploring the diversity within the social care workforce’.

The social care workforce is large, but not particularly diverse. Men, older workers, younger workers and the neurodiverse and those identifying with a disability are all under-represented.  Could they help with the challenges that recruitment teams face?

Social and economic factors affect the behaviour of these different groups; do you know what they are?

Cohesion will be exploring who is successful in the recruitment process now, and what makes candidates tune in and drop off.  We’ll share what adjustments could have a positive impact on bringing greater diversity into recruitment pipelines and your workforce.

If you want to hear more and understand how other sectors are changing the way they approach workforce development, then come and join us.