Home / Events / Navigating the CQC Quality Statements: Focusing on Staffing and Workforce
Navigating the CQC Quality Statements: Focusing on Staffing and Workforce


24th September 2024    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Type


Philippa Doyle, Head of Social Care at Hempsons, is leading a series of four webinars relating to the CQC Single Assessment Framework Quality Statements, offering care providers crucial insights and guidance in meeting the CQC criteria.  In this webinar three of four, Philippa will take you through 4 further quality statements as they relate to employees.

Hempsons support providers in delivering quality services. Legal and regulatory advice include: CQC, GDPR, safeguarding, employment, property, corporate and commercial, charity law and dispute resolution.

The third session will explore the CQC Quality Statements, specifically on staffing and looking in particular at:
  • QS 6 – Safe and Effective Staffing
  • QS 19 – Workforce Wellbeing and Enablement
  • QS 29 – Freedom to Speak up
  • QS 30 – Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

You can access the recording of the first webinar, copy of the slides, FAQ HERE. Similarly, the second webinar recording, slides and FAQ HERE.

The last webinar will take place on the 3rd of December 2024 from 2pm to 3pm. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity and ensure you register for our 3rd webinar in order to receive an invite to the final session to conclude the four-part series presented by Philippa!


*By signing up to this webinar you agree for your contact information to be safely stored by Care England to share webinar materials (such as slides and a recording etc.) after this event and similar events in the future.*