Focus Energy Services are energy consultants and brokers and proud energy partners to Care England and their members.
Access the no obligation Care England Energy Tender here now if your energy renews in the next 3 years to benefit from reduced costs and enhanced services only available previously to larger providers
Access the free energy renewal review here which has saved 100% of care providers up to 300% on their energy renewals since January 2023
Access a free energy audit here to reduce utility costs
The energy industry is largely unregulated for suppliers in the UK and entirely unregulated for brokers who can often be more sales-oriented in their approach to business customers and rarely declare the commissions they receive.
By comparison, Focus Energy Services offer consultative, transparent advice to their clients and always declare their commissions before any contracts are signed. Also, at Focus we don’t have a lot of the larger overheads which our competitors do – such as a financially-incentivised sales teams or call centres so not only are our commissions normally less, but you’ll always deal directly with one of our directors and will have direct access to the mobile number and email address of the director responsible for your supplies.
Our directors have an array of energy experience and the clients we have handled range from part-time business premises to UK-wide multi-site businesses with a turnover of £1.7 billion.
We are able to offer very competitive fixed-term contracts, basket and flex contracts and, for our larger multi-site clients we can offer, within reason, their own bespoke contracts tailored to their individual needs .
If you would like a free, no-obligation discussion about your utility requirements please contact: