Free Energy Renewal Benchmarking Review

Care England logo 2022 v1


We are troubled by the unnecessarily high energy renewals rates offered to care providers, often by their existing energy supplier, and have seen too many situations where care providers are being blatantly overcharged, incurring penalties, excessive VAT and seeing incorrect discounts applied.  Too often providers are renewing their contracts with existing energy suppliers at extortionate and unnecessarily high renewal rates favouring energy brokers and some energy suppliers.

Care England has therefore established a FREE services to help all care providers have their renewals checked by a professional energy consultant to verify if they are being charged correctly (subject to availability).

Recent examples:


ServiceBedsRenewal Offerd by Energy SupplierCare England/Focus revised renewal
Care Home64£151,949 £40,762
Care Home64£93,073 £45,481
Care Home38£68,126 £12,606
Care Home13£11,713£6,944
Care Home12£7,446 £3,646
Care Service£4,266£2,980


A Care Provider had a gas contract for 12 months and was offered a renewal at a Standing Charge – £3.00p per day and a Unit Rate of 25.0p per kWh equating to £11,709 for 12 months.  The Care England review showed that a contract with the same energy supplier was possible at a Standing Charge – £0.48p per day and a Unit Rate of 7.92p per kWh equating to £3,195 for 12 months.

The Care England review showed a saving of almost 73% with the same energy supplier. The Customer has paid their energy contract without fail and on time for 12 months however the energy supplier refused to allow them the reduced rate of £3,195 citing them as a “credit risk” despite paying promptly for the last 12 months with no defaults.  They were subsequently placed under contract with an alternative energy supplier at a rate of £3,370 saving them 71% on their renewal.

It is imperative that prior to renewal, all care providers ask themselves, and tell their energy suppliers or brokers if they are doing any of the following which will incur penalties or charges if the minimum volumes are not being met, or their usage exceeds any projected energy usage agreed in their contract:

    • Install Solar or other energy saving equipment.
    • Moving from Gas to Electricity with Air or Ground Source pumps.
    • Outsource a laundry function or bring it back inhouse.
    • Change bulbs to LED’s.
    • Extend the property.
    • Any other events that could significantly increase/decrease energy usage.


Care England has engaged Focus Energy Services to provide a FREE energy renewal review to ensure care providers can be confident that the rates proposed are the best possible rates available for their organisation, and that they are not locking into unreasonable rates or terms.

This offer is available to all care providers.  All reviews are FREE of charge.  There is no obligation to use Focus Energy Services or participate in any Care England Energy Tender.

If you wish to have a free independent review of your energy renewal contract to be sure it is right for your needs, please email your renewal information to: 

Focus logo e1678292995313

This offer is subject to demand and capacity to conduct reviews and may be withdrawn or paused at short notice.

If you wish to be considered for a future Care England energy tender, please click here to review how other care providers have benefitted and to register an interest.