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The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has announced the 2024-2025 rate for NHS-funded Nursing Care (FNC) of £235.88 for the standard rate and £324.50 for the higher rate, effective from the 1st April 2024, which equates to a 7.4% increase.
In response, Professor Martin Green OBE, Cheif Executive of Care England said:

“Care England has worked tirelessly with the Department of Health and Social Care over nine years to ensure that the FNC rate reflects the true cost of providing nursing care. This latest uplift represents a win for the care sector operating in a challenging time and is a testament to our collective efforts. Our work is not done though. 

The Government must now lend consideration to the legal definition of FNC to ensure its fit for the future given the increased levels of complexity seen in residential care, and how care providers have had to adapt their services to meet the ever-changing needs of their residents.

We need to make sure that not only is care funded appropriately, but that our nursing staff are recognised and rewarded accordingly, in line with NHS nurses. Whilst the latest uplift is a step in the right direction, the Government must now act to secure the future of nursing provision in residential care.”