Home / Resources & Guidance / Government destroys £1.4bn of PPE – Care England Reaction

In response to today’s announcement that the Government destroyed £1.4bn of PPE, Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England says

“The revelation that the Government squandered £1.4 billion from the public purse on PPE that was never used is nothing short of a fiscal outrage. At a time when services are most deprived, and in dire need for investment from central government, this misuse of funds underscores a critical failure in fiscal responsibility. When nearly half of care providers had been forced to close parts of their organisation or hand back contracts to their Local Authority as a result of the cost pressures they find themselves operating against, it raises significant concerns.


The hundreds of thousands individuals reliant on funded care and support, the 1.5 million dedicated carers, and the one in three councils no longer confident they can provide basic care as a result of continued underfunding are left only to imagine the potential impact this could have had, if these funds had been managed more effectively.”