Home / Resources & Guidance / How can care providers reduce energy costs?

1 EnergyA recent Care Sector Energy tender run by Care England saw a reduction of 80% in renewal rates compared to August 2022 and also a 36% saving opportunity on energy renewals relative to current broker offers, and further helped recover over £3.8m of VAT from overcharges by energy suppliers. This has helped reduce energy costs for providers.


If you require support with your energy procurement or would like to benefit from the next energy combined sector tender, you can register your interest here.


A recent article, Social Care Advisor Richard Ayres, which you can read here, highlighted opportunities and important information aimed to help care providers navigate energy contracts, including; broker commissions, VAT, KVA ratings and comparing energy quotes.


2 Energy

A useful user guide for the Energy Bill Support Scheme for Local Authority and Self-Funded residents can also be found here which can help care providers recover £400 per resident to cover the cost of rising energy.



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