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What is OCD?

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that can impact many areas of a person’s life.

People living with OCD can experience a wide range of symptoms, including obsessive thoughts and repetitive compulsive behaviours. In more severe cases, the symptoms of OCD can negatively impact someone’s daily life, wellbeing, and relationships with others.

How can I support someone with OCD?

Talk openly about the condition – If you know someone with OCD, then it can help to create a safe, non-judgemental environment in which you can both talk openly about their condition.

Never minimise OCD – Unfortunately, OCD has become a common adjective to describe someone that likes cleanliness or orderliness. Be careful never to speak lightly about OCD, as it can appear as if you’re belittling the condition.

Be patient and non-judgemental – Communicating with someone with OCD in a way that is non-judgemental and patient, will encourage them to confide in you and truthfully share how they’re feeling, which will help you to provide them with effective help and support.

Help them seek further support – One of the most valuable things you can do to support someone with OCD is to encourage them to seek professional treatment. If they feel reluctant or anxious about getting help, then it may help to go along with them to the first appointment.

OCD and Personality Disorder Training with CBAT

If you would like to understand OCD better, the best way to improve your knowledge of the condition and how it is treated is by taking a course like the OCD and Personality Disorder Masterclass that we run here at Care Business Associate Training (Home | Care Business Associate Training (cbassociatetraining.co.uk)).

Find out more about our variety of OCD courses online, or book your place today by contacting us at admin@cba-training.co.uk or 01772 816922.