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Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)

To ensure that the integration agenda succeeds where previous attempts have not, Care England, the largest and most diverse representative body for adult social care in England, is proud to announce our Integrated Care System (ICS) Membership.

Care England is the leading representative body for independent care providers, with a membership ranging from individual homes to regional and national groups. Our members provide services for people with long-term conditions, including older people, people with learning disabilities, and those with mental ill health or dementia.

To see the complete overview of the ICS Membership, please view our online brochure.

Please contact Louis Holmes, lholmes@careengland.org.uk for further details.

Learn more about us


Benefits are available to ICSs as Care England members. These benefits include:

  • Opportunity to meet our Special Interest Groups where you can engage with care sector providers directly. These provide a forum to discuss current issues, contribute ideas and help inform your systems strategy and direction. ICS leaders will be entitled to attend a selection of these meetings, to gain valuable insight from our members – Our Special Interest Groups include the Clinical, Communications, Digital, HR, Learning Disabilities and Regulatory and Governance
  • MINT is Care England’s market intelligence portal that exhibits a wide range of pertinent financial data from across both older persons and learning disability sectors, expertly collected from a variety of stakeholders, in a simple searchable solution
  • Daily Press Round-Up, daily communication keeps ICS members abreast with the most pertinent news stories of the day
  • Policy Insight, issued on Monday, Wednesday and Friday,  provides a summary of all the most relevant policy information about adult social care from government and key stakeholders
  • Care Agenda, monthly e-newsletter
  • Monthly Parliamentary wrap-up email
  • ICS Bulletin, a bulletin which contains an overview of the work Care England has done on our ICS
    members’ behalf, as well as a conduit for providing ICSs with briefings, reports, and supporting documents
  • ICS forum, monthly meetings with ICS colleagues to share best practices and help troubleshoot any local and national problems
  • Care England can look to compare integrated care strategies and provide an analysis of what should be replicated to create consistency. We can host roundtables between ICS leaders and care providers who operate across multiple systems to help create aligned outcomes.
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Membership Terms

Please contact membership@careengland.org.uk to understand in detail the terms of membership for ICSs.

Through regular communication channels and meetings with government officials, Care England can provide high-level summaries and insight into government policy and its impact on ICSs and their local care providers.

Membership with us would also allow ICSs to sense-check policy and strategy with the key representative body within the sector. As a result, ICSs will be better equipped to understand key policies or areas of concern affecting their locality, helping ICSs improve outcomes in population health and healthcare with full comprehension of complex issues, reports, and legislation.


  • Notice of resignation must be given not less than three months before renewal. Failure to do so may result in you being liable to pay the following renewal fee.
  • Membership terms to be reviewed on an annual basis.