Home / Resources & Guidance / Investing in Quality Training and E-Learning: The Key to Better Outcomes for Dysphagia Patients

The UK care sector is fast-paced, ever changing and inherently budget-poor. The staff turnover rate currently sits at a staggering 30% post-Pandemic, so sustainable, flexible and comprehensive health and social care training is more important than ever.

The constant change of personnel means that knowledge and skills can quickly dissipate, leaving care facilities vulnerable and under-equipped. This is where the value of investing in robust, validated dysphagia training becomes apparent – in particular e-Learning for dysphagia – as this can be a much more cost-effective, flexible and accessible option that suits the transient nature of the health and social care workforce.


The hidden costs of “free” training

At first glance, free training options might seem like a no-brainer for care facilities with tight budgets. However, these options often come with hidden costs that can outweigh their initial appeal, as well as data longevity and validation concerns. Free training typically lacks the depth and breadth necessary to fully equip staff with the skills they need to provide high quality care. In a similar vein, face-to-face training can be costly and much more difficult to organise and control with a varied, diverse rota-based workforce.

Without a structured and comprehensive approach, training may not be up-to-date with the latest industry standards and practices in dysphagia management. In a sector as crucial as healthcare, where the wellbeing of individuals should be front and centre of any care organisation’s mission, cutting corners on training can lead to significant risks. Inadequate training can result in mistakes, slower diagnosis and referrals, lower quality of care, and ultimately increases risks to patient outcomes.


The value of proper training investment

Investing in quality training programs, like the OHK EDS Site Training Bundle, offers a robust solution to these challenges. With an annual licence that covers staff for facilities with 1 to 100+ beds, the OHK training bundle ensures that every team member receives comprehensive and up-to-date training thanks to the ongoing clinical partnership with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. The continuity of purchasing the annual licence is crucial in maintaining high standards of care, even as staff members come and go.

By committing to a thorough and continuous training program, care facilities can create a sustainable learning environment. OHK’s e-Learning is flexible, accessible and self-paced – meaning that new hires can be immediately enrolled in the training and access modules from any device, anywhere, ensuring they quickly reach the level of proficiency required to deliver quality care. This seamless transition helps preserve the collective knowledge within the care setting, reducing the disruptions that can be caused by high turnover rates.


Longer term benefits extend beyond knowledge retention

The benefits of investing in quality training extend beyond immediate knowledge retention. Quality training leads to higher staff satisfaction and retention, as employees feel more competent and valued in their roles. This in turn reduces turnover rates and the associated costs of recruiting and training new staff. Also, it’s a much agreed fact that well trained staff provide better care, leading to improved patient outcomes and an enhanced reputation for the care setting.

Investing in training that’s mapped to industry and globally-recognised standards and procedures such as IDDSI and the Eating, Drinking, Swallowing Competency Framework futureproofs the training, and also aligns with regulatory requirements and industry best practices, ensuring that care facilities remain compliant and avoid potential legal issues. For example, failure to comply with CQC standards for safe swallowing measures have resulted in substantial regulatory fines. The imposed fines are now becoming notably high, with one care home being fined £1.5 million for “not understand how to prepare the correct diet or to safely support the resident to eat and drink” as well as poor record keeping.


Speak with OHK today for your free consultation

While free or low-cost training options might seem tempting, the longer-term benefits of investing in comprehensive and high-quality training programs far outweigh the initial savings. The OHK EDS Site Training Bundle offers an invaluable solution to the challenges posed by high staff turnover in the UK care sector. By providing continuous, up-to-date training for all staff members, care facilities can ensure sustainable, high-quality care and create a more stable and competent workforce.

OHK’s validated, specialised courses can meet the EDS and IDDSI needs across your whole team. Unsure what training you need? Speak to us and we can help you identify areas of risk and demonstrate to regulators evidence of scrutiny and improvement.

Book your free consultation today: Get in touch

Email: info@oakhouse-kitchen.com

Phone: 01572 337188