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Experience That Works

Marr Procurement has proudly supported the care sector since 2015, during that time we have delivered resourcing cost reduction programmes for thirty-six UK care providers.

Our comprehensive solution reduces resourcing costs, brings control and allows you to plan for the future with confidence.

A key component of the end-to-end solution is our tried and tested temporary labour agency cost reduction service which provides much-needed savings through cutting temporary agency staffing costs and improving fulfilment, which we believe can be achieved without impacting the quality of care.

We would love to tell you more, please contact to discuss how we can support you and your organisation.

M-resourcing, people solutions


How Do We Solve A Problem Like Resourcing?
escalating costs

Care providers are facing critical operational & financial challenges, particularly in relation to staffing shortages and resourcing costs.

A chronic shortage of care workers, and difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff often results in an overreliance on temporary labour. Combined with rising costs for staffing the impact on the care provider is significant; resulting in organisational uncertainty and inability to plan, potential impacts on continuity and quality of care.





Ultimately a solution requires a multi-factorial approach:

holistic sourcing strategyA solution which addresses the needs of the organisation for example; reducing costs, a reduction in the reliance on temporary labour, one that helps with recruitment and retention of permanent staff, better use of bank resources and uses technology to support the resourcing strategy.

Our tried and tested temporary labour agency cost reduction solution provides much-needed savings, improved visibility and the control you need to deliver continuity of care.

Marr Procurement’s expertise is at the heart of M-resourcing. The team are ready to support you and your organisation with your resourcing needs.