Home / Resources & Guidance / Care England Learning Disabilities Group page

The group is comprised of a host of care providers and services who deliver care to those with learning disabilities and/ or autism. The group is very much open to all members who operate these services. The group typically meets four times per year at the Care England offices. However, given the current circumstances induced by Covid-19, as opposed to running these quarterly meetings we have instead been hosting regular calls with the LD Group. We view this as a fantastic platform for members’ concerns to not only be cascaded through to national bodies such as DHSC, PHE, and NHSEI, but also for providers to share examples of best practice in light of this difficult context.

The LD Group is run via a Google group where updates relevant to learning disability providers are shared. The Google group also offers an excellent platform for best practice to be shared or queries from providers to be discussed. To join the group please send email to Charlie at CLezard@careengland.org.uk or George at GAppleton@careengland.org.uk

Please select below year to see agendas and notes taken from the LD Group meetings.