1. Freedom of Information data 2019
Care England has been sending Freedom of Information requests to councils across England. These requests have related to Local Authority run care services and have sought to gain further information regarding them, including the fees paid to such services.
Just a proviso that the responses of councils were themselves not uniform and therefore there is variation in the responses made by councils – with some interpreting questions in a different manner or choosing not to answer certain questions. If you would like more information regarding this data or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to email Rwilliams@careengland.org.uk
You can donwload spreadsheet below.
We are pleased to launch a working version of the spreadsheet for exclusive Care England members use. The data has been collated from a series of Freedom of Information Requests and from public sources.
The data relates to Older People services (we are also working on a version for Learning Disability services) and provides an oversight of market conditions across every local authority area.
The data is subject to further validation and if you have any comments on the contents please let us know via info@careengland.org.uk
How to use the spreadsheet:
The spreadsheet is organised as an interactive dashboard. Please select the Local Authority you wish to see, and the data for that area will appear, including data relating to either regional or national averages. This function allows for comparison although Care England has not made any judgement on Local Authority activity.
What the data means:
- Spend Per Head: data is taken from MHCLG breakdown of the Local Authority net revenue budget for 2018/19 divided by the number of older people aged 65 in the area.
- Base Rates: data is taken from FOIs and public sources and compared against regional averages. Where there are blanks we are still collating data.
- NHS Efficiency: data is taken from NHS England and calculates number of delayed days waiting for nursing and residential care home beds at the NHS excess day rate compared to Local Authority rate. This is also compared against the local authority net revenue budget.
- Allocation of Winter Pressure 2018/19 (240m): data is taken from DHSC and compared to the Local Authority net revenue budget.
- Quality Ratings: data is taken from CQC and describes the proportion of homes rated as inadequate or Requiring Improvement in Q1 of 2017/18 compared to Q1 in 2018/19 and compared to regional and national averages.
- Number of Beds: data is taken from CQC and describes the relationship between whether an area is over or under supplied with care home beds compared with the number of care home bed closures and openings.
- Projected number of beds: data is taken from analysis by Skills for Care based upon trend data and population growth.
Other data:
We are in the process of including some additional data to include how Local Authorities are spending their Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) on supporting the market. This data is taken from MHCLG.
Next Steps:
The data is subject to regular updating by Care England. We will inform members when this happens.
Comments to info@careengland.org.uk
As part of Care England’s spreadsheet 2018 work, Care England targeted 12 councils where the data suggested concerns as to the council approach to a sustainable care market. Kirklees was one of these councils and the following agreed notes are taken from an initial meeting held between Kirklees Council, Kirklees CCG, Care England and a local Care England member on 10th December 2018. Please see notes below.
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