Home / Resources & Guidance / Challenging NHS Funded LD/SL Fee Uplifts not Received

Challenging NHS Funded LD/SL Fee Uplifts not Received:

At a recent meeting, it was shared by a provider that they have had some success challenging NHS funders where they have not offered fee uplifts this or in previous years by raising a formal complaint at an individual service user or multiple service users level.

We have adapted a letter used below to assist you in raising a complaint and would suggest providers follow the following process.

Process for raising complaints:

Each ICB should have a complaints process. Search online for the respective complaints process via the relevant ICB website. The process may still fall under the local CCG process in certain instances.

Providers should check their contracts with CCG/ICBs to establish if there is a specific process to be followed when sending complaints which may require you to follow a contractual escalation process first.

It is important that providers see uplifts to fees prior to raising a complaint and all such requests should be put in writing and followed up at least once. Fee uplift requests may need to be at a service user level.

Lastly, if no response is provided despite multiple attempts to chase the CCG/ICB complaints team or if you feel your response is inadequate after challenging it, you may wish to consider raising a complaint to the Health Service Ombudsman the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, The independent bodies role is to investigate complaints that individuals have been treated unfairly or have received poor service from government departments and other public organisations and the NHS: https://www.ombudsman.org.uk/.

Please click below to download template letter in MS Word and PDF format.
Challenging NHS Funded LD (word)
Challenging NHS Funded LD (PDF)

Further support to challenge NHS fee uplifts can be found here with a draft template letter here and a WORD version here.

Should you require support drafting letters to local authorities, or wish to discuss further, please contact rayres@careengland.org.uk or contact John.wearing@anthonycollins.com at Anthony Collins Solicitors directly.
