Home / Resources & Guidance / Manchester City Council fees


Letter in respect of Fee Approach for 2022-23, covering the: Fair Price for care – to explain why fees are below the LB benchmark for care costs and, why Nursing costs are equal or lower than Residential when FNC is removed – Nov 2021

Response Received– Jan 22

CE Follow-Up letter– Feb 22.  Response Received – March 22


Care England letter sent re: Fee increases – 31 August 2021

Received response – 10 September 2021

Manchester fees 2021-22 with Letter (Aug 21)

Letter to Prof. Martin Green justifying fee uplift approach and future direction (Sept 21)


April FOI (2021) – Manchester Response – May 2020 (2020-21 Fees)

December 2020 FOI sent to Manchester – response (March 2021)