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Care England’s Work on NHSX Data Strategy ‘Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data’ – June 2021

Link to data strategy is available here.

Care England NHSX Data Stratgey Brief for Members – August 2021

This document has been drafted in response to the publication of ‘Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data (draft),’ NHSX Health and Social Care Data Strategy. It is a summary of comments from Care England members on specific points, feedback from the strategy workshops, and reflections on social care data collection as a whole. A shortened version has also been submitted to the NHSX team. If you have any questions, please email lholmes@careengland.org.uk.

NHSX ran several workshops over the course of the development of the strategy. Please see below for the slides: July – August 2021

Chapter 1: Bringing people closer to their data

Chapter 2: Giving health and care professionals the data they need to provide the best possible care

Chapter 3: Supporting local and national decision makers with data

Chapter 4: Improving data for adult social care

Chapter 5: Empowering researchers with the data they need to develop life-saving treatments, models of care and insights

Chapter 6: Helping colleagues develop the right technical infrastructure

Chapter 7: Helping developers and innovators to improve health and care

Care England’s Letter to Matthew Gould following the publication of the data strategy – June 2021