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FOI Request re Min Max Fees paid for 2022/23  and April 2022 Average

FOI Response – May 23

Letter in respect of Fee Approach for 2022-23, covering the: Fair Price for care – to explain why fees are below the LB benchmark for care costs and, why Nursing costs are equal or lower than Residential when FNC is removed – Nov 2021

Response Received– Dec 21 

CE Follow-Up letter – Feb 22 .  Received April 2022 (Template)

FOI Request r2020/21 and 2021/22 fees- Sept 2021

FOI Response – Oct 2021 High Cost Billing Process Apr 21, Res/Nur Uplift Letter Apr 21, Res Uplift Letter July 20, and  Res/Nur Uplitf Letter Mar 19

COVID Funding & FOI Summary Document – Last Updated 30.06.21

April FOI sent to all LAs – Fee evidence 2020-2022 – April 2021

April FOI – Nottingham Response – April 2021