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Response to Joint Committee on Human Rights call for evidence – Care England submission 01 November 2021

Making vaccination a condition of deployment in the health and wider social care sector – Care England consultation submission 19 October 2021

Care England 2021 CSR Submission (October 2021)

Care England’s CSR submission 2021. The Government needs to act immediately to stabilise the adult social care sector in England. At this very moment, the adult social care sector is afflicted by a workforce and funding crisis. Many care providers had hoped that the Government’s Build Back Better Plan for health and social care would have remedied such uncertainties, however it has merely generated greater uncertainty.

Health Education England – Strategic Framework Call for Evidence 2021 – Submission (September 2021)

Care England’s HEE Framework 15 submission

Care England analysis (August 2021)
Statement of Impact – The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021
Care England has been active in its support of the Government in the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine and has continued to support our members to do everything they can to persuade residents and staff to have the vaccine with great success.

Future of ageing: call for evidence document (Care England submission02 August 2021

NMC consultation: Joint response from representatives of the adult social care sector in England on post-registration standards. (August 2021)
Click here to download the document

Health and Care Bill – Care England Briefing 16 July 2021
Care England has and will continue to engage with the development of the Health and Care Bill, ensuring that the voice of the adult social care providers is heard in its development. Care England has begun the task of picking its way through the Bill and will carry on doing so over the coming weeks and months. We have pulled together some of the key elements for the sector and some comments that reflect our current understanding, and we will seek to clarify these issues as the Bill makes its way through parliament. Click here to download the briefing

Guidance and support materials to aid continence care in care homes
Guidance for Registered Managers of Care Homes – June 2021

The main focus of this document is intended to guide Registered Managers of care homes, to guidance and support materials to aid continence care in care homes, and set out how their local system could be funded, and/or how free continence products can be acquired, with an appendix to sign-post to additional information and resources relating to temporary or treatable incontinence. Click here to download the document.

Please find comments on the ICS Design Framework from Care England. 22 June 2021
Click here to download the document.

Care England’s submission to the NTPS Consultation 30 April 2021
Click here
 to download the consultation.

Reforming the Mental Health Act – Care England consultation response – 21 April – Click here to download

NHS Provider Selection Regime – Care England consultation response – 7 April 2021 –  Click here to download

Care England – Sleep-in judgement next steps – Summary and action points 26 March 2021
Care England summary and actions from the judgement.

Commissioning Sleep In Shifts in Adult Social Care – letter February 2019
Letter issued by the DHSC which gave a message to Local Authorities stating that they should not act without central guidance.

Care England response to the CQC consultation on regulation – 23 March 2021 – Click here to download

CQC consultation response – Strategy – 4 March 2021

Safeguarding adults in care homes – guidance – 26th February 2021

NICE published a guideline covering keeping adults in care homes safe from abuse and neglect. It includes potential indicators of abuse and neglect by individuals or organisations, and covers the safeguarding process from when a concern is first identified through to section 42 safeguarding enquiries. There are recommendations on policy, training, and care home culture, to improve care home staff awareness of safeguarding and ensure people can report concerns when needed.
To read a summary of the key points, please click here 

LPS Impact Assessment: draft feedback – February 2021 
This document provides joint feedback from Care England, the National Care Forum and the Registered Nursing Home Association on the latest Impact Assessment of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019, published on 28 January 2021. Click here to download the document.

Care England response to the NICE Safeguarding adults in care homes consultation on draft guideline – 1 October 2020
Care England response to the draft NICE guideline on Safeguarding adults in care homes. Click here to read comments

Care England response to ‘Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture’ – February 2020 – Click here to download

NHSEI Network Contract DES – 15 January 2020
Care England comments on specifications for Structured Medication Reviews (SMRs) and Optimisation and Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) – Click here to download