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Liberty Protection Safeguards factsheets – guidance
Published 27 November 2020 | Last updated 3 August 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
Information about Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS).

Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019: Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) – collection
Published 10 November 2020 | 28 June 2021, Legislation and guidance on the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) and the latest information on progress towards their implementation.

Impact assessment of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 – guidance
Published 28 January 2021
Assessment of the amendment, which introduced the Liberty Protection Safeguards to replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards England, 2019-20 – Official statistics 12 Nov 2020
Interactive dashboard on the Adult Social Care Analytical Hub
Improved the DoLS dashboard by adding in previous years’ data from 2015-16 onwards to the 2019-20 dashboard. This will enable users to more easily view trend data over time at local, regional and national level.



Coronavirus (COVID-19): looking after people who lack mental capacity – guidance
Published 9 April 2020 | Last updated 27 April 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
This publication was withdrawn on 10 August 2021
Guidance for health and social care staff who are caring for, or treating, a person who lacks the relevant mental capacity.

Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act  – Liberty Protection Safeguards Implementation 28.09.2020
The second edition of the LPS newsletter.