Home / Resources & Guidance / Mental Health and Wellbeing

On this page you can find up to date links, documents and other publications publicly available, we urge you to check our membership page for further information for Care England members only COVID-19 (MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING) page.  (for login details members please send email to info@careengland.org.uk)

Deconditioning information for providers of services for older people and the public

The National Falls Prevention Co-ordination Group (NFPCG) Deconditioning task and finish sub-group have developed a suite of five resources intended to support individuals, health and care professionals and commissioners to take action to help older adults become more active and recondition following activity restrictions in the COVID-19 pandemic. These resources can be downloaded below list or from the British Geriatric Society website.

Have you noticed yourself having less energy since the pandemic started? For member of the public

Getting fit after the pandemic – Easy to read version

Getting fit after the pandemic – Easy to read version for those with visual impairment

Do you have less energy since the pandemic started? – Five simple tips to build up your strength and balance and recondition (poster)

Identifying and supporting individuals experiencing deconditioning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic – For health and social care professionals

Guidance for setting up strength and balance exercise programmes – For commissioners and providers


Top tips for embedding a wellbeing culture – LGA
Health and wellbeing in the workplace has never been more vital than in the last year.

COVID-19 mental health and wellbeing surveillance: Spotlights – Research and analysis 

Published 8 September 2020 | Last updated 18 November 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
Spotlight reports are part of the COVID-19: mental health and wellbeing surveillance report. They describe variation among the population.

Health and wellbeing of the adult social care workforce – guidance  

Published 11 May 2020 | Last updated 19 May 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
Advice for those working in adult social care on managing your mental health and how employers can take care of the wellbeing of their staff during the coronavirus outbreak.

COVID-19 mental health and wellbeing recovery action plan – Policy paper 

Published: 1 April 2021
Our plan to prevent, mitigate and respond to the mental health impacts of the pandemic during 2021 to 2022.

Vitamin D for vulnerable groups – guidance 

Published 21 December 2020 | Last updated 24 February 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
Guidance for vulnerable groups offered vitamin D supplements by the government this winter.

Vitamin D supplements: how to take them safely – Guidance 

Published 28 November 2020 | Last updated 12 January 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
Guidance for at-risk groups offered free vitamin D supplements by the government this winter.

Wellbeing resources for the care sector – Skills for Care 

Answers to some of the questions we are being asked most often through our helpline. – Independent Age 12.2020
Managing your physical and mental health

Maintaining Activities for Older Adults During COVID19 – guidance – April 2020
A guide to online resources for staff in older adult mental health wards and care homes and any other relevant setting.

Free mental health support for staff – VIVUP
Providing world-class health and wellbeing benefits to employees in both the public and private sectors.

Frontline19 – Free Emotional Support
All frontline staff are being given access to free confidential emotional support from qualified and trainee psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors from Frontline19.

MindEd COVID-19 Resilience Hub
A new wellbeing and mental hub for social care. The best advice and tips from a large panel of international experts to guide you and your team.

Bereavement support for care homes – residents, carers and families AtALoss.org

Department of Psychiatry – New resources for supporting care staff and families communicating with relatives and children about illness and death.

NAPA Helpline; help and advice regarding engagement and activities contact: 020 7078 9375 email: helpline@napa-activities.co.uk

Free & Confidential Emotional Support Service For Workers On The Frontline of COVID-19, Frontline19

Meeting the psychological needs of people recovering from severe coronavirus – The British Psychological Society 
This guidance considers the likely psychological needs of people who have been hospitalised with severe coronavirus (Covid-19), and the most effective ways to support their recovery.