Home / Resources & Guidance / Care England discounts and free support

Care England discount and free support offers are designed to solve problems, deal with challenges, and reduce costs for care providers, which have saved millions of pounds for both members and non-members of Care England.

Offers include: 

  • Free audits proven to make significant savings
  • Discounts negotiated to reduce costs
  • Free and Discounted legal advice on health and social care issues
  • Free workforce support, helplines, training, and diagnostic reviews
  • Free trials to stimulate and support residents, boost activity, and reduce falls

Click the VIEW OFFER link to see each offer.  No registration is required.

CategoryService ProviderPromotionOffer Details
Care CostingCareCubedSave up to 50% for 3 years on the CareCubed care costing solutionVIEW OFFER
MarketingMagic Hour CreativesHDR 360 virtual tours to increase occupancy and help prevent transfer traumaVIEW OFFER
Food and BeverageCreed Food ServiceFree catering audit for your top 25 food and beverage items.

Plus participate in the new Catering tender for 2024.

Food and BeverageOak House KitchenDysphagia support and training. 20% discount for members and 10% for non-members.VIEW OFFER
UtilitiesFocus Energy ServicesFree energy, water and waste audits VIEW OFFER
UtilitiesSwitch Water SupplierReduce your business water billsVIEW OFFER
UtilitiesCare EnglandFree gas and electricity renewal reviewVIEW OFFER
ConsumablesCareHomeLifeFree cleaning and catering consumables audit delivering up to a 20% cost reductionVIEW OFFER
ConsumablesNilaquaReduce personal care time costs by an average of 50%. Plus a 20% discount on products at www.norinse.co.ikVIEW OFFER
ConsumablesAlgeosSave up to £7,000 per resident per year on resident repositioning.

Up to 15% discount off clinical essentials.

£7,000 SAVING

Cyber SecurityCyber Centre of ExcellenceQuote "CARE ENGLAND" to benefit from a Care England rate.VIEW OFFER
UniformsAlsico10% discount off the cost of uniformsVIEW OFFER
HR and Health & Safety CitationFree HR and Health & Safety Advice LineVIEW OFFER
HR DBS ServiceuCheckUse the 'CAREENGLANDFREE' code to access preferential rates and free registration, saving you £49 + VAT!VIEW OFFER
Staff AgencyNeuvenReduce Agency Costs by up to 10%VIEW OFFER
RecruitmentCohesionFree recruitment diagnostic review and reportVIEW OFFER
RecruitmentParagon SkillsFree mental health training for apprenticeshipVIEW OFFER
SoftwareAccess Health, Support and CarePerson Centred Software15% to 50% discount off Care Management Software connecting every individual to the care they needVIEW OFFER
SoftwarePerson Centred SoftwareFree action plans and a 15% discount when purchasing the softwareVIEW OFFER
HardwareOrbital NetFree Internet AuditVIEW OFFER
RegulationCitationCQC Pro for FREE for up to two yearsVIEW OFFER
Professional SupportFulcrum CareHelping care providers improve their business and deliver superior outcomes VIEW OFFER
LegalAnthony Collins SolicitorsFree 20-minute legal sounding board VIEW OFFER
LegalHempsonsFree up to 30 minute consultation on any legal query connected to health and social care plus up to 15% discount of standard ratesVIEW OFFER
LegalWeightmans20-minutes of free legal or regulatory advice VIEW OFFER

Feel free to share across your organisation.

If you have suggestions or support you would like to see, please email: info@careengland.org.uk

If you would like to know more about Care England or review the work we do, please see our website. You can also review free help and support materials here to support recruitment and retention, reducing energy costs, recovering VAT, information to help negotiate care fees, and understanding personal budgets.

Thank you for your continued support of the sector, we hope you find this support helpful.

Care England