Home / Resources & Guidance / Radar Healthcare’s New Feedback and Observation Dashboards Set to Revolutionise Health and Social Care

Market-leading risk, quality, and compliance software provider Radar Healthcare has launched its new feedback and observation event dashboards. This innovative update in its events module package is designed to give health and social care organisations a robust mechanism to capture and evidence everything that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) requires within its new framework.  24 06 PR Imagery Screenshot scaled e1721140452189

Achieving a good or outstanding regulation rating leads to a better reputation, increased demand, reassurance for families, staff retention, and ultimately the ability to offer the highest quality of life for those supported daily. The latest observation and feedback events and dashboards from Radar Healthcare are designed with these benefits in mind, providing health and social care organisations with an instant way to capture and evidence feedback, learn from it, and present it to regulators with just a few clicks.

Unlike other products on the market, these specific event dashboards underpin a health and social care organisation’s ability to demonstrate performance to regulators and stakeholders. By understanding their current status and identifying areas for improvement, organisations can focus efforts precisely where needed, resulting in enhanced care and improved CQC scores.

“The main opportunities lie in capturing feedback, managing observations, and ensuring evidence is easily accessible,” said Mark Fewster, Chief Product Officer at Radar Healthcare. “For our users, this means having data sets available with just a couple of clicks. We believe that it’s essential to keep the customer at the heart of product design, not just for the new CQC dashboards, but for all our projects.”

Key features include:

  • Comprehensive Feedback and Observation Data Capture:

By using external QR codes, feedback and observation data can be instantly captured from anyone and fed directly into Radar Healthcare. With dashboards specifically designed for these events, health and social care organisations can quickly and easily understand what’s happening at a particular location. Additionally, this data can be evidenced to regulators in just a few clicks, saving hours which  can be spent supporting those in care and care teams.

  • Quick Insight and Progress Tracking:

The observation event and dashboard provide immediate access to captured observations from residents, family members, or staff. This enables healthcare organisations to quickly learn from the data and link it to action plans if required.

  • Effortless Data Access Aligned with the CQC Framework:

With data at your fingertips, all information is pulled together seamlessly. If you want to know how your audits relate to a specific ‘’ statement, it’s just a couple of clicks away.

Radar Healthcare has been at the forefront of health and social care innovation in quality assurance since 2012. Our commitment to helping healthcare organisations demonstrate their evidence of good quality care to stakeholders is fundamental to making healthcare safer worldwide.

Our mission to deliver positive outcomes drives us to continuously improve our product offerings, from events and incident management to audits, workforce compliance, risk management, and ultimately analytics, which is key to making a real difference for the people our partners support every day.

Discover more about the new events and dashboards from Radar Healthcare here.