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On this page you can find up to date links, documents and other publications publicly available, we urge you to check our membership page for further information for Care England members only COVID-19 page.  (for login details members please send email to info@careengland.org.uk

Overview of adult social care guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19) – guidance
Published 25 August 2020 | Last updated 23 June 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
Information for adult social care providers on COVID-19 guidance and support.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for care homes – guidance
Published 15 May 2020 | Last updated 1 April 2021 ‚Äî see all updates
Sets out the support package to keep care homes safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus Act report: January 2021 – Corporate report
Published 28 January 2021
The fifth two-monthly report on which powers in the Coronavirus Act 2020 are currently active.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult social care action plan – Policy paper 14.12.2020
How the government will support the adult social care sector in England throughout the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): verifying death in times of emergency – guidance 05.05.2020



Coronavirus (COVID-19): changes to the Care Act 2014 – guidance
Published 31 March 2020 Last updated 29 June 2020 ‚Äî see all updates
This publication was withdrawn on 22 July 2021
Changes to the Care Act 2014 to help local authorities prioritise care and support during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.