From:                                   Rupee Baga <>

Sent:                                    24 February 2021 10:39

To:                                        Louis Holmes

Cc:                                        Freedom of Information

Subject:                                FOI 17136


Bedford BC - OFFICIAL-Unsecure


Dear Ms Holmes


Request pursuant to Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request No. 17136


I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. 


Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested.


Please find the information you requested below: 


Freedom of Information (FOI) Request:


Please see below for FOI questions in relation to nursing and care homes for people over 65.


1.       What is your LA’s 2020/21 Nursing Fee Base Rate be? (excluding FNC) £643 weekly


2.       What is your LA’s 2020/21 Nursing Dementia Fee Base Rate? (excluding FNC) £643 weekly


3.       What is your LA’s 2020/21 Residential Fee Base Rate?  £586


4.       What is your LA’s 2020/21 Residential Dementia Fee Base Rate?  £586


5.       Were your LA’s 2020/21 fee rates based upon an assumed occupancy level? If so, what rate? Not applicable.


The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial publication, would

require the permission of the copyright holder.  For further information regarding Re-use of Public Sector information please see link below


If after viewing the information you are for whatever reason unhappy with our response to your application you are entitled to pursue any dissatisfaction through the Council's Internal Review Procedure.  Pursuant to Section 17 (7) of the Act the procedure provided by the Council for dealing with complaints about the determination of this request for information is the Council’s FOI Complaints Procedure, a copy of which can be obtained on request or is set out at:


Yours sincerely


Rupee Baga

Business Management Support Officer

Supporting Kate Walker - Director of Adults’ Services


+: Room 342 | Bedford Borough Council | Borough Hall | Cauldwell Street | Bedford | MK42 9AP.

': 01234 718241 (ext 47241  | :: -



From: Louis Holmes <>
Sent: 23 February 2021 12:48
Subject: [External] Freedom of Information request - Care England


Attention: This email originated from outside of Bedford Borough Council. Please be extra vigilant when opening attachments or clicking links.

Dear FOI department, 


This email is sent on behalf of Rhodri Williams, Senior Policy Adviser at Care England.


Please see attached for Care England's Freedom of Information request regarding LA fees for 2020/21. 


Kind regards, 

Louis Holmes




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