From: FOI <>
Sent: 22 June 2021 17:46
To: Louis Holmes
Subject: FOI 8784485 - From: Louis Holmes - Revised Due: 22nd June
2021 - Response
FOI 8784485
Dear Louis Holmes,
I am
writing in response to your request for information below.
1. Please confirm where you
have published online, your Local Authority 2020/21 Over 65 Nursing, Nursing
Dementia, Residential and Residential Dementia Fee Rates. Please provide a link
to where this communication was published, and a copy of any media sent to
Providers evidencing this decision (link).
The rates are published by the DPS
administrators on behalf of all the participating authorities.
2. Please confirm whether you
have decided your 2021/22 Over 65 Nursing, Nursing Dementia, Residential and
Residential Dementia Fee Rates. (yes/no).
a. When was the decision made
(date)? Please provide a link to the dated document confirming this decision
There is no link available.
b. From what date is the 2021/22 fee rate to be
applied (date)?
Rates will already be in place or will be in
place on award. There is an uplift panel process which considers the Provider's
business case including actual costs and the service holistically. If uplifts
are agreed at uplift panel, the uplift is backdated to 01/04/2021 or the date
the request was received - whichever is the later.
1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022.
Where are the rates published currently online for Providers? Please provide a
link and a copy of any media sent to Providers evidencing this decision (link).
rates were published by the DPS administrator on 31st March 2021 on behalf of
all participating authorities. The rates were also included in a newsletter
issued to all Hillingdon-based providers.
How were, or are Providers consulted on this decision (free text)?
Providers were not consulted by the London
Borough of Hillingdon but a sub-regional price analysis was conducted across
the DPS participating areas.
k. What percentage
uplift or mechanism was applied to each fee or care type for 2020/21
(percentage/free text)?
Rates will already be in place or will be in
place on award. There is an uplift panel process which considers the Provider's
business case including actual costs and the service holistically. If uplifts
are agreed at uplift panel, the uplift is back dated to 01/04/2021. The uplift
process is written in the Spot Contract for the Provider and available if rates
are queried with the Council.
l. What percentage uplift or mechanism is to be applied to
each fee or care type for 2021/22 (percentage/free text)?
As above.
4. Please provide details of the provider
representative association/s that you engaged with on all matters relating to
over 65’s care homes:
Market analysis was conducted using data
analytics before the final revised banded rates for each participating
authority were agreed.
5. Can you please confirm which Local
Authority/Authorities your response is on behalf of (free text)?
The London Borough of Hillingdon.
If you
wish to request an internal review of our response you should write, within 2
months, to:
Office Managing Partner, Legal Services,
Civic Centre, High St, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW (or via email to marked for the attention of the Office Managing
Please remember to quote the reference
number above in any future communications.
If you are not content with the outcome of
the internal review, you have the right to apply to the Information
Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Kind regards,
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer | London Borough of Hillingdon | Legal
Services 3E/04
Tel: 01895
55 6351 | FOI Email: | SAR Email:
Address: London Borough of Hillingdon Civic Centre, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW
From: SCH FOI <>
Sent: 24 May 2021 15:24
To: <>
Cc: FOI <>
Subject: FOI 8784485 - From: Louis Holmes - Revised Due: 22nd June 2021
- Clarification Received
Dear Louis Holmes,
I am writing in response to your clarification received 24/05/2021
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we have 20 working days
to respond to your requests. Therefore, the deadline for our response is
“Your request for information may be delayed due to urgent
operational responses to dealing with Covid_19 priorities. We apologise for any
inconvenience this may cause. We do remain committed to responding to your
request and will respond as soon as we are able. Should our response to your
request breach the statutory timeframe and you remain unhappy with our
response, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners
Office. Their contact details are Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF”.
If we require further information or clarification from you to
assist us in responding to your request, or if we require a fee to be paid
before we can respond, we will contact you shortly.
Kind Regards
Michelle Barber
Members Enquiry & FOI Liaison Officer
Corporate Resources and Services
London Borough of Hillingdon
From: Louis Holmes <>
Sent: 24 May 2021 12:29
To: FOI <>
Cc: SCH FOI <>
Subject: Re: FOI 8784485 - From: Louis Holmes - Due: 4th May 2021 -
Clarification Request
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your email.
In regards to your request, please detail any local provider
representative or other organisations (if any) whom you engage/consult with on
matters such as fees.
Kind regards,
From: FOI <>
Sent: 30 April 2021 16:46
To: Louis Holmes <>
Cc: SCH FOI <>
Subject: FOI 8784485 - From: Louis Holmes - Due: 4th May 2021 -
Clarification Request
FOI 8784485
Dear Louis Holmes ,
I am writing in response to
your recent request for Information below.
In accordance with S1(3) of
the FOIA before we can respond to your request, we require some clarification
of the information you are seeking.
In particular, can you
clarify the points in bold:
Please clarify, by way of examples, the information you are seeking in respect of question 4 for provider representative’s associations.
Kind regards,
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Officer | London Borough of Hillingdon | Legal
Services 3E/04
Tel: 01895
55 6351 | FOI Email: | SAR Email:
Address: London Borough of Hillingdon Civic Centre, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW
From: SCH FOI <>
Sent: 07 April 2021 12:31
To: <>
Cc: FOI <>
Subject: FOI 8784485 - From: Louis Holmes - Due: 4th May 2021
Dear Louis Holmes,
I am
writing in response to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, received 01/04/2021
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we have 20 working days to respond to your
requests. Therefore, the deadline for our response is 04/05/2021
request for information may be delayed due to urgent operational responses to
dealing with Covid_19 priorities. We apologise for any inconvenience this may
cause. We do remain committed to responding to your request and will respond as
soon as we are able. Should our response to your request breach the statutory
timeframe and you remain unhappy with our response, you have the right to
complain to the Information Commissioners Office. Their contact details are
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF”.
If we
require further information or clarification from you to assist us in
responding to your request, or if we require a fee to be paid before we can
respond we will contact you shortly.
Liaison Officer /FOI Officer
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