From:                              Freedom Of Info <>

Sent:                               26 April 2021 15:58

To:                                   Louis Holmes

Subject:                          RFI 007897


Dear Louis Holmes


Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000


In response to your request for information received at this office on 01 April 2021, please see the Council’s response below.


You requested

Please answer each question referencing the unique question number in each individual response. If there is no response to a question, please state “No Response” or “Not Applicable”. Response requirement is provided in brackets below. FOIs 2020/21 1. Please confirm where you have published online, your Local Authority 2020/21 Over 65 Nursing, Nursing Dementia, Residential and Residential Dementia Fee Rates. Please provide a link to where this communication was published, and a copy of any media sent to Providers evidencing this decision (link). 2021/22 2. Please confirm whether you have decided your 2021/22 Over 65 Nursing, Nursing Dementia, Residential and Residential Dementia Fee Rates. (yes/no). If yes: a. When was the decision made (date)? Please provide a link to the dated document confirming this decision (link) b. From what date is the 2021/22 fee rate to be applied (date) c. Where are the rates published currently online for Providers? Please provide a link and a copy of any media sent to Providers evidencing this decision (link) d. How were, or are Providers consulted on this decision (free text)? If no: e. When will the decision be made (date)? f. What is the process and timeline remaining for this unmade decision (free text)? Please provide a link to any documents outlining the current process with provisional or draft proposals being considered (link) g. How are Providers to be consulted on the decision (free text)? h. Where will the decision be published online for Providers? Please provide a link (link) i. From what date is the 2021/22 fee rate to be applied (date) j. Are there any circumstances which will result in a fee uplift not being provided (free text)? Please provide a link to where this is explained for Providers (link) 3. For rates which are above the Base Fee Rates published, please confirm: k. What percentage uplift or mechanism was applied to each fee or care type for 2020/21 (percentage/free text) l. What percentage uplift or mechanism is to be applied to each fee or care type for 2021/22 (percentage/free text) 4. Please provide details of the provider representative association/s that you engaged with on all matters relating to over 65’s care homes: m. Association/s name/entity (free text) n. Name of the primary contact (name) o. Email address (email address) p. Postal address (postal address) q. Contact number (telephone number) 5. Can you please confirm which Local Authority/Authorities your response is on behalf of (free text).


Our response



  1. Please confirm where you have published online, your Local Authority 2020/21 Over 65 Nursing, Nursing Dementia, Residential and Residential Dementia Fee Rates. Please provide a link to where this communication was published, and a copy of any media sent to Providers evidencing this decision (link).

Response:  This was published on the Council web site but has now been removed and the fee for 2021/22 is now published.  Attached is a copy of a letter issued to care homes 11th March 2020. 



  1. Please confirm whether you have decided your 2021/22 Over 65 Nursing, Nursing Dementia, Residential and Residential Dementia Fee Rates. (yes/no).

Response:  Yes


If yes:

    1. When was the decision made (date)?            Response 23rd February 2021

Please provide a link to the dated document confirming this decision (link) 



    1. From what date is the 2021/22 fee rate to be applied (date):              Response 1st April 2021
    2. Where are the rates published currently online for Providers? Please provide a link and a copy of any media sent to Providers evidencing this decision (link)

Response:  Link to document with current rates (See page 3):  and copy if letter issued attached.

    1. How were, or are Providers consulted on this decision (free text)?

Response:  Providers of Adult Social Care services including residential and nursing homes, home care agencies and supported living providers are facing unprecedented challenges to maintain the provision of services. Usual practice would be that the Council engage with providers as part of the fee setting process but due to additional burdens in all sectors a sensible decision was made to delay this.  As part of the new year, a wider consultation and benchmarking exercise will take place.  


If no:    Response :  Not applicable

    1. When will the decision be made (date)?
    2. What is the process and timeline remaining for this unmade decision (free text)? Please provide a link to any documents outlining the current process with provisional or draft proposals being considered (link)
    3. How are Providers to be consulted on the decision (free text)?
    4. Where will the decision be published online for Providers? Please provide a link (link)
    5. From what date is the 2021/22 fee rate to be applied (date)
    6. Are there any circumstances which will result in a fee uplift not being provided (free text)?  Please provide a link to where this is explained for Providers (link)


  1. For rates which are above the Base Fee Rates published, please confirm:
    1. What percentage uplift or mechanism was applied to each fee or care type for 2020/21 (percentage/free text)                      Response:  For care homes a 4% increase was applied
    2. What percentage uplift or mechanism is to be applied to each fee or care type for 2021/22 (percentage/free text):            Response:  For care homes a 2.64% increase has been applied
  1. Please provide details of the provider representative association/s that you engaged with on all matters relating to over 65’s care homes:
    1. Association/s name/entity (free text):             Response:  BARCH
    2. Name of the primary contact (name):            Response;  Gabrielle MacDonald
    3. Email address (email address):                      Response:
    4. Postal address (postal address)                    Response:     The Old Vicarage, Ivy Bank Road, Sharples, Bolton, BL17EQ
    5. Contact number (telephone number)             Response:  01204 594736


  1. Can you please confirm which Local Authority/Authorities your response is on behalf of (free text).  Response:  Bolton Council


Should you have any queries, please contact


Yours sincerely


Information Governance Team

Chief Executive’s Department

1st Floor, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU





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