From:                                         Appleby, Louise <> on behalf of FoiASC&iIS Directorate <>

Sent:                                           30 April 2021 09:27

To:                                               Louis Holmes

Subject:                                     FOI 17720

Attachments:                          OP Residential Service uplift letter for 2020.21.pdf


Dear Louis,


I am writing in response to your request for information, under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.



  1. Please confirm where you have published online, your Local Authority 2020/21 Over 65 Nursing, Nursing Dementia, Residential and Residential Dementia Fee Rates. Please provide a link to where this communication was published, and a copy of any media sent to Providers evidencing this decision (link).

The Council’s fee rates with Providers are set out in the contract between the Provider and the Council.

A copy of the Council’s letter issued to providers confirming uplift to fee rates for 2020/21 is attached (Copy of OP residential service uplift letter for 2020.21)


  1. Please confirm whether you have decided your 2021/22 Over 65 Nursing, Nursing Dementia, Residential and Residential Dementia Fee Rates. (yes/no).

Engagement on 2021/22 fee rates for care homes (residential and EMI) has commenced with Care North East (CNE) Newcastle and has not yet concluded.


If yes:

    1. When was the decision made (date)? Please provide a link to the dated document confirming this decision (link)
    2. From what date is the 2021/22 fee rate to be applied (date)
    3. Where are the rates published currently online for Providers? Please provide a link and a copy of any media sent to Providers evidencing this decision (link)
    4. How were, or are Providers consulted on this decision (free text)?

If no:

    1. When will the decision be made (date)?

May 2021

    1. What is the process and timeline remaining for this unmade decision (free text)? Please provide a link to any documents outlining the current process with provisional or draft proposals being considered (link)

Initial engagement and consultation is currently underway with Care North East (CNE) Newcastle (care homes association). Following consultation with the care homes association, the Council will provide information to Providers on the proposed uplift in writing.

    1. How are Providers to be consulted on the decision (free text)?

See above response (f)

    1. Where will the decision be published online for Providers? Please provide a link (link)

Providers will be notified directly in writing.

    1. From what date is the 2021/22 fee rate to be applied (date)

1 April 2021

    1. Are there any circumstances which will result in a fee uplift not being provided (free text)?  Please provide a link to where this is explained for Providers (link)



  1. For rates which are above the Base Fee Rates published, please confirm:


    1. What percentage uplift or mechanism was applied to each fee or care type for 2020/21 (percentage/free text)

6.67% applied to residential and EMI fees.

    1. What percentage uplift or mechanism is to be applied to each fee or care type for 2021/22 (percentage/free text)

The Council is currently engaging with Care North East (CNE) Newcastle (the care homes association in the north east) in relation to the proposed uplift for care homes fees for 2021/22.


  1. Please provide details of the provider representative association/s that you engaged with on all matters relating to over 65’s care homes:
    1. Association/s name/entity (free text)

Care North East (CNE) Newcastle

    1. Name of the primary contact (name)

Nic Gilbert (Chair)

    1. Email address (email address)

    1. Postal address (postal address)

Not applicable

    1. Contact number (telephone number)

0191 228 8009


  1. Can you please confirm which Local Authority/Authorities your response is on behalf of (free text).

Newcastle City Council



If you are unhappy with our response to your request, you can ask for an internal review of our decision.  Please send details of your request for review to the following address:

Information Governance Co-ordinator
Floor 6
Civic Centre
Barras Bridge
Newcastle upon Tyne
Telephone: 0191 277 7666

If you are still unhappy with how we have handled your request following our internal review you can complain to the Information Commissioner.  Contact details are as follows:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
0303 123 1113





Louise Appleby

Complaints and School Appeals Officer

Complaints and Customer Relations Team

Newcastle City Council

Civic Centre

Newcastle upon Tyne



Tel 0191 2777427

Mobile 07813395487


I am currently working remotely therefore do not have access to my desk phone. 

If you need further contact with me, please email.



From: Louis Holmes <>
Sent: 01 April 2021 10:28
Subject: Care England - FOI


Dear FOI department, 


Please see attached for Care England's Freedom of Information request regarding publication and consultation of care home LA fees for 2020-2022. 


Kind regards, 

Louis Holmes



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