From:                                             Louis Holmes

Sent:                                               05 August 2021 10:02

To:                                                  Louis Holmes

Subject:                                         ICS Design Framework


Sent: 04 August 2021 13:27
To: Martin Green <>
Subject: Re: ICS Design Framework


Dear Professor Green,


Thank you for your letter of 19th July.


We are currently in the early stages of ensuring that our ICS Partnership is reflective of all health and care partners, this will be confirmed once we have seen the guidance on our constitution. In the meantime we are working with Local Authorities, NHS partners and the VCSE sector to ensure that they represent the views of all those whom they serve or support.


Recognising the crucial role that the independent care sector has, moving forwards we would welcome thoughts from the sector on the best way for them to be collectively engaged and represented for our ICS footprint. These views are best being directed to this PMO email inbox in the first instance and can then be sent on to the most appropriate people to respond to them.


With thanks and best wishes,


Jonathan Fellows

Chair Designate, Integrated Care Board



The Black Country West Birmingham ICS PMO Team 

**Please note change of email address** 


Building Healthier, Happier Communities
Healthier Futures Black Country and West Birmingham | Twitter:@HealthierBCWB | Facebook:@HealthierFuturesBCWB 


From: Martin Green <>
Sent: 19 July 2021 13:31
Subject: ICS Design Framework


Dear Colleague,


Please find attached letter for your attention.


Kind regards,











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