Home / Resources & Guidance / Ten Year Plan for Adult Social Care

Care England, the largest representative body of independent adult social care providers, has written to the Chancellor urging him to make good on the Government’s commitment to adult social care in his Budget this week.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:

“The sector is tired of empty promises, White Papers and consultations, 13 of these in the last 17 years, that always end up in the long grass. It is now or never; we need a 1948 moment with a commitment in the Budget that the Prime Minister will tackle the social care crisis”.

In January, Care England’s Budget submission highlighted the following issues:

• The changing cost and operational reality that has been imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
• The intervention which the Treasury can make in the sphere of insurance to assist the adult social care sector.
‚Ä¢ The existing and potential role which the adult social care sector can continue play as a valuable employer in the UK’s job market.
• The need for a £7 billion injection into the adult social care sector, in line with the Commons Health and Social Care Committees call.

Martin Green continues:

“A ten year plan akin to that of the NHS would be a great help to the sector, which in turn is part of the national infrastructure. Adult social care needs to be placed at the forefront of future policy planning and cannot remain an addendum to the NHS. Care England wants to work with the Government to ensure that this does not remain a pipedream”.


Notes to editors:

  1. Care England is the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care
  2. Care England works to ensure that care services are commissioned fairly, efficiently and on a properly funded basis, to meet the true costs of providing quality care.  Care England analysis indicates that where known around one in five councils (20%) did not increase their base rates for either residential or nursing home placements in 2018/19, despite rising inflation and increased workforce costs.
  3. For Care England press enquiries related to this release, please contact Antonella Corby (020) 7492 4843 or email acorby@careengland.org.uk 
  4. Twitter: @CareEngland @CareEngDigital