Home / Resources & Guidance / The King’s Fund Social Care 360: Care England Reaction

In response to The King’s Fund report, published today (Wednesday 13 March), Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England said:


“The Spring Budget was the Government’s last chance saloon to make good on their 5-year-old promise to fix social care. The findings in this report show just how urgent government action truly is.


Earlier this year, Care England and the national learning disability charity, Hft, found that unsustainable financial and workforce pressures are forcing adult social care providers to turn down new admissions and close services, as government grants are not reaching the people who need them most.


The sector finds itself in a worsening crisis amid the Government’s narrative of ‘record investment’ into the sector. The cost of providing care is rising, the needs of the population are growing and the vacancy rate in the sector is at its second highest level ever.


Social care has become a political football, leaving care providers and local authorities alike having to make difficult decisions about how to sustain care for those in need. It is unclear just how many more reports it will take to spur the Government into action, but it feels like time is running out.”