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Care England, the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care in England, has today launched its new website and brand evolution.

Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“We are delighted to have launched our new website and brand evolution which gives a more user-friendly platform for care providers and our members to easily access documents, resources, and expert advice to help with your work within the care sector. We remain committed to creating an environment in which care providers can continue to deliver and develop the high-quality care that communities require and deserve and we saw this as a necessary step to ensuring this commitment continues to be met and enhanced.”

For a guide on how to use our new website, please click here to watch video.

Martin Green continues:
“The Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing turbulence across the political and socioeconomic landscapes has reinforced the need for care providers to be kept abreast with the latest policy developments. Our new website provides care providers, of all shapes and sizes, the opportunity to remain attuned to the ever-changing landscape. We hope you enjoy the new website and feel better interconnected with the latest Care England developments.”
