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Health and social care organisations must invest in professional medication management to protect patients from serious illness or fatality.

All health and social care staff involved with patient medication should receive suitable training to ensure patient safety and optimise the effectiveness of the medication they are administering.

What are the risks of poor medication management?

Fatalities – The elderly, terminally ill, and those with complex health requirements are particularly at risk of having their lives cut short by an organisation’s failure to take medication management seriously.

Serious illness – Sometimes, errors with patient medication may not result in death, but they could still cause serious side effects or illness, resulting in long-term consequences or complications for the patient.

Poor patient experience – Without proper medication management in place, organisations risk providing patients with a poor experience and causing inefficiencies in their treatment or recovery. Failure to offer a good patient experience could result in a poor reputation for your organisation and cause patients and the public to lose trust in its healthcare services.

Prosecution- Regulations that appear in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 require health and social care providers to ensure that medicines are supplied in sufficient quantities, managed safely, and administered appropriately to make sure that people are safe.

Medication management training with CBAT

Here at Care Business Associate Training, we run a popular one-day Medication Management training course that helps healthcare organisations to avoid the risks associated with poor medication management.

Our training sessions provide health and social care staff with all the information and skills they require to manage patient medication safely and competently.

For more information about our Medication Management training course, give our team a call today on 01772 816 922, send an email to admin@cba-training.co.uk, or book online to secure your place.