Home / Resources & Guidance / What can we do to address the challenges with recruitment and retention?

The workforce is our sector’s greatest asset, and the sector reported over 165,000 vacancies in 2022 for social care and over 130,000 in the NHS with care staff leaving faster than can be recruited highlight the sectors challenges with recruitment and retention. Agency is often the solution and usage rose to a high in 2022 and equated to around 16% of care provider payroll.

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The following are just two ways in which providers could have a positive impact on workforce recruitment and retention:


4 1Employee referral, reward, and recognition app Care Friends has been proven to recruit and retain staff longer for half the costs of traditional recruitment methods and recruit more loyal individuals who are new to the sector. Click here to review how Care Friends could support your organisation.



2 1 e1681216805367International recruitment is seen by Government as a solution to reducing vacancies in the sector, but can be challenging for providers to know where to start. The following resources are designed to help navigate these challenges from recruitment experts Seren Healthcare here, and BA healthcare here.



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