Home / Resources & Guidance / World Alzheimer’s Month: Never too early, never too late

Care England, the largest and most diverse representative body for independent providers of adult social care, today celebrates World Alzheimer’s Month which runs across September. The awareness campaign encourages people to come together to raise awareness and tackle stigmas that persist around Alzheimer’s disease and all types of dementia.

Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:

“Supporting people who are living with cognitive conditions is one of the biggest challenges that our health and social care system will face in the 21st century. World Alzheimer’s Month presents a welcome opportunity for everyone in the adult social care sector, and beyond, to shed light on a disease that is often shrouded with stigma and fear. Alzheimer’s can be confusing and debilitating, but excellent care can support people to live dignified and interesting lives at every stage of their condition. Whilst we have made significant progress to improve the support and recognition for people living with Alzheimer’s, we need to maintain this momentum. Moving forwards, we must continue to take proactive steps towards supporting those living with this condition if we are to truly meet the needs of a 21st-century society.”

The theme of this year’s World Alzheimer’s Awareness Month is ‘never too early never too late.’

The aim of the month is to raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s and dementia. The event has been running since 2012, and September 21st is World Alzheimer’s Day.

Globally there is thought to be poor understanding and a great deal of stigma surrounding dementia, so the work of World Alzheimer’s Month is vital and is growing and targeting the stigma and lack of understanding and knowledge surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and dementia as well as supporting those suffering with the disease.

For more information, please visit the Alzheimer’s Disease International website.

Martin Green continues:

“Care providers across the country work tirelessly to ensure those with Alzheimer’s at any stage are empowered to live as independently as possible, through person-centred care and innovative practice. Care England members continue to showcase the pioneering work they are doing in their services to ensure their residents remain to living enriching and fulfilling lives, despite the effects of Alzheimer’s. These efforts must be given the spotlight to challenge the stigma around the care available for people living with Alzheimer’s disease.”
