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caring minds

Article by Nick Hodson, Creative Minds Collective caring minds

  • I’m always firefighting – there’s never enough time to grow the business
  • Finding, training and retaining staff is a nightmare
  • I sometimes feel as if it’s all upon my shoulders
  • I can’t keep up with the red tape and regulation, the inspections are a nightmare!
  • I just want some honest advice and support without people trying to sell me something

It was me; I ran a business like this for 25 years, it’s not a healthy lifestyle, it cost me my marriage and a lot of sleepless nights.

If I have one wish, it would be that early on in my career in care, I could’ve had the help and support of a group of people who really understand the care sector, who had built businesses, and truly understood what was important and provided me with an alternative view which prevented me from getting distracted and heading down rabbit holes that led nowhere.

So, because running a business in the UK care sector can seem overwhelming, I set up the Caring Minds Collective.

Our aim is to support the people who own, deliver or run organisations who care for people.  Nursing Homes, Care Homes, Domiciliary Care Agencies, Complex Care Providers and anyone else who is involved in looking after, the elderly, young people, people with complex needs and the victims of catastrophic injury.

I say, ‘our aim’, because nobody can know all there is to know, so I’ve gathered a group of people who are experts in the care sector, whether you’re looking for some HR advice or to raise funds for an expansion programme, the Caring Minds Collective will have someone on hand to help, guide and support you.

There are plenty of organisations out there who profess to ‘know’ the sector, who are ‘passionate’ about the care industry, but how many of those organisations truly ‘understand’ what it’s like to run a business 24/7 that cares for the most vulnerable people in our society?

The Caring Minds Collective has been set up to support care businesses, but more importantly the people who run care businesses.

For more information, please visit our websitewww.caringmindscollective.co.uk

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