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Care England’s Strategic Priorities 2022 Click here to download document

Care England Sub 5% Fee Uplift Provider Support Process – Mar 22

Anthony Collins Solicitors – Funding for Learning Disability Services Report Nov 21 and Funding for Older Persons Services Jan 22 – reports have been commissioned by Care England to assist its members when engaging in discussions and disputes with commissioners of health and personal care services for adults with a learning disability and Older Persons. The reports commence with an explanation of the legal framework in which services are commissioned, separated into residential care, supported living and NHS funded Continuing Healthcare services. They will enable members to gain a clear understanding of the legal context in which Commissioners are meant to operate when agreeing, reviewing, and setting fees for services.  The report is supported by template letters. Care England members are entitled to adapt the letters in accordance with their own style and to edit them for the circumstances they wish to address.  Members should not share the document or letters outside of their organisations.  If members require any assistance with regard to particular circumstances, or wish to institute a wider-ranging project to address cost recovery issues, Anthony Collins Solicitors would be delighted to assist and members should contact either of the following: John.wearing@anthonycollins.com or Ramjeet.kandola@anthonycollins.com.

We have also provided a flow chart to assist members with a route to challenge commissioners and when to feedback to Care England or to seek input from Care England where joint intervention may be more appropriate.

OP Template Letters – Jan 22 WORD Version

LD Residential Template – Dec 21 Download WORD version

LD Supported Living Template – Dec 21 Download WORD version

LD NHS Bodies Template – Dec 21 Download WORD version

LD/OP Process Flow Chart – Jan 22 Helping navigate the report


Approach to FNC Cost Collection – Request for feedback
We wanted to remind members of the importance of completing the FNC cost collection template issued by the DHSC on the 30th November.  We would very much welcome any initial thoughts and comments you have in respect of the collection exercise or the template so we can feedback to the DHSC before Christmas.  We have collated some information in the email sent to members on the 16th Dec 21, and we would encourage you to consider adding to the final page under the ‘additional comments’ section as you feel applicable to your organisation.

Documents required to be filled out by members:

FNC Cost Collection Survey – Word document

FNC Cost Collection Survey – Excel document

The Social Care Challenge: Implementing a Connected System

Public Policy Projects (PPP) is pleased to announce that it is working on a major new report entitled State of the Nation: The Social Care Challenge: Implementing a Connected System, which is set to be launched in July 2021.

Call-out for evidence:
1. Innovation: Exploring the adoption of new solutions and ways of working in conjunction with innovative technologies that provide value for care givers and receivers, organisations providing care and support the system as a whole.
2. Integration: Exploring the interoperability between health and care records, the intelligent use of data, and the systemwide connection in national leadership, workforce plans, and local government authorities. The overall aim being to create a joined-up health and care experience for the individual.
3. Infrastructure: Exploring the infrastructure solutions available to enhance interconnectivity and deliver place-based health solutions for elderly care recipients whilst also providing value for money.

For those that are interested in submitting evidence please click below to download and complete the relevant evidence submission form:

Innovation evidence submission form
Integration evidence submission form
Infrastructure evidence submission form

Care England Local Influencing Pack 2021/22 – Download
Care England wants to help members when engaging and influencing stakeholders in working towards a high quality sustainable care market.
This pack offers examples and tools which members may choose to use, or adapt, to meet their local requirements and it complements the work that Care England does at a national scale.

ADASS Spring Seminar 2021 – Download
A summary page for members on some of the speeches from the ADASS Spring Seminar (28-30 April 2021).